Thatcham Research is the motor insurers’ research centre and it provides a unique range of products and services to the insurance and motor repair industries. Primarily, the centre conducts research and produces data which assists in the efficient, safe and cost effective repair of motor vehicles. The company is based in Berkshire, UK, and employs over 180 staff.

How we were involved
In April 2012 our joining specialist, Doug Boomer, together with automotive sheet expert Geoff Scamans, organised a one-day automotive aluminium training course for Thatcham at our offices in Banbury. The course, which was aimed at engineers and technicians, provided an introduction to aluminium in automotive structures, including the specific uses of various alloys, as well as the joining technologies used during vehicle repair.
Services Involved
- Product & Process Training
- Automotive Body Structures
This case study appears as an article in the 2012/13 edition of ‘innform’; the newsletter of Innoval Technology.
Doug and Geoff arranged a great course for us! The feedback I’ve received from the other delegates is all very positive. We especially valued learning why certain procedures need to be different when dealing with aluminium compared to steel, and we will use this knowledge when writing procedures for repair.
Garry Clark, Project Engineer – Repair Information, Thatcham